Youths and nation building

“Youths are the torchbearers to nation building”.
Youths are known for their strength, organisational ability, agility, innovative ideas and ability to go beyond standards in achieving their set goal. They are the strength of every nation and no nation can stand or work without the youth involvement in her development process. If the youths are marginalised and not involved in national decision making, the consequences are usually disastrous.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, as they say; collective effort is the only mechanism that can make our nation work for everyone. No leader can stay in government forever and each leader comes with their own policy which to the best of their knowledge can yield good result but without youth involvement, not much can be achieved.
The president-elect, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, in his acceptance speech made it clear that he has heard the cry of the youth, their yearning and desire for a country they can be proud of, a country that will work for everyone and he will surely take that into consideration.
This is a call to the government to provide the youth with the right opportunity and knowledge to thrive. The youth should know that the nation they desire can only be achieved if they join hands with the government to make it a reality. Youths are the most involved in cyber crime and this will halt nation building, their relevance cannot be undermined and hence a call for change.

Adinoyi Rafiu Omeiza,
Department of Mass Communication, Bayero University, Kano.