Youth charged to remain resolute in the anti-corruption war


Youth in the country has been charged to remain resolute and committed to the war against corruption in the country 

Speakers at 3rd edition of the National Youth And Students Summit On Anti-Corruption And Drug Abuse held at the Moshood Kashimawo Stadium, Abuja Thursday were of the opinion that youth must be in the forefront of fighting corruption in the country.

Speaking on the topic titled, Transparency, probity and Accountability As Key Ingredients for Rapid And Sustainable Growth And Development in the Youth And Sport Industry, Mr. Caleb Gidado was emphatic on his assertion that as a nation we must fight corruption to the end in all facets of our lives. 

The Chief Commissioner, Public Complaints Commission ,Hon.Abimbola Yusuf presented the second paper of the day, titled “The role of citizens in fighting corrupton in  Nigeria” also harped on the  need to fight the menace not only by youth but all Nigerians irrespective  of tribe or religion.

Speaking earlier, National Coordinator, Jacob Onu in his welcome address urged all Nigerians to join hands together in the fight against corruption. 

“The fight against corruption is not a one off battle, rather a continuous one that requires perseverance and endurance. This is the reason behind this initiative.” 

” Just as we’re figuring corruption, we are equally against the use of drugs enhancing substance by athletes” Onu said 

The 2022 Anti Corruption Marathon will hold on Saturday in Abuja.