YIAGA trains NASS clerks on minutes writing

As part of its effort to promote democracy and enhance capacity of Committee Staff and Lawmakers of National Assembly to effectively discharge their legislative function in compliance with democratic principles and standards, YIAGA AFRICA’s Centre of Legislative Engagement on Monday conducted technical training on motion drafting and minute writing for the clerks of six committees of the National assembly.
The training which was held in Abuja had 12 staff of various committees which includes house committees of youth, house committee on women affairs Speaking during the training, Senior Program Officer of YIAGA AFRICA’s CLE, Yetunde Bakare said the aim of the training is to build the capacity of staff of the various committees in motion drafting and minute writing to ensure more effective work of the committees and strengthening the institutional memory of the National Assembly especially in documentation.
According to Mrs.
Bakare, YIAGA AFRICA’s CLE with the Support of the European Union through its EU Support to Democratic Governance in Nigeria (EU-SDGN) project had initially organized an induction workshop, inviting clerks from the six committees to identify their capacity building needs and discuss their priorities.
According to her, every committee identified training in information and communications technology (ICT) as an urgent need.
“In-line with the demand driven approach of the project, this workshop was requested by Committees staff who are beneficiaries to address the capacity gap.”, she said.
While discussing the importance of minute writing especially to the National assembly, Dr Habila Amos urged heads of committees at the National assembly to always adopt and sign minute of meetings as it remains the only surviving record of the meeting.
He further warned that the level of implementation of training of this nature largely depends on the willingness of leaders of public service to put working for the nation above personal interest.
Appreciating YIAGA AFRICA for the initiative, participants said the training was timely as it will aide better discharge of their responsibilities as National Assembly Clerks.
According to the Clerk of Constituency Outreach committee of the House representatives, Lauratu Mohammed Idris, the training will give opportunity to evaluate and improve the operations of the state of National Assembly resolution implementation