Yakubu to media: We welcome suggestions that ‘ll improve electoral process 

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Wednesday met with the media as part of its review meetings with key stakeholders, promising “to continue to welcome suggestions that would improve the future conduct of elections and the electoral process in Nigeria.”😂

Welcoming the media chiefs, Chairman of the commission Prof Mahmood Yakubu said “there is a long-standing partnership between the commission and the media which we appreciate. You remain one of our critical stakeholders.”

He further stated, “Beyond voter and civic education, we regularly consult you ahead of the formulation of policies or the implementation of activities. Media organisations are also accredited to cover elections and electoral activities. 

“Beyond reporting on our activities, we are also convinced that as citizens you should be part of the discussion for the overall improvement of our electoral process based on your field observations”.

He noted that “there are many positive aspects of the 2023 general election. At the same time, there were challenges. The Commission is aware that aspects of the election are being litigated at the various election petition tribunals. 

“While we are careful not to touch on issues that are clearly sub-judice, it is appropriate to review the election broadly as enumerated on the agenda for this meeting contained in your folders. 

The INEC chairman said from the practical experience of reporting or analysing the election, the commission would like to hear the observation and suggestions on the processes and procedure for:

Accreditation of media organisations, access for journalists to voting and collation locations on Election Day and Conduct of pre-election activities by the Commission: Continuous Voter Registration (CVR), voter access to polling units etc

Other areas the INEC boss solicited suggestions from the media included logistics for the movement of personnel and materials, recruitment and training of ad-hoc staff, conduct of regular and ad hoc officials during the election, security during the election, among others.

He therefore urged them to share their field experiences candidly, adding that the commission would like to hear from them what it could  do to improve future elections in Nigeria.

The commission also shared with the media plans for pending bye-elections and preparations for the off-cycle governorship elections in Bayelsa, Imo and Kogi states scheduled to hold on Saturday 11th November 2023.