Women want speedy adoption, implementation of gender climate action plans

Kebetkache Women Development & Resource Centre has urged State and local governments to adopt and implement Gender and Climate Change Action Plans.

These submissions formed part of the resolutions at the close of a capacity building workshop organised by Kebetkache Women Development & Resource Centre on gender and climate change held at Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

At the meeting, government and stakeholders were charged to ensure a gender-friendly policy to control carbon emissions from gas flares, and burning of bush and tyres.

While emphasising that planting of economic trees should be a top priority in the restoration of the ecosystem and the mangroves, participants resolved that government and private sector should carry out effective sensitisation on proper waste disposal.

The Women called on the authorities to regulate the activities of artisanal refiners and control the resulting pollution from such activities. They suggested that the government should consider issuing licenses for modular and cellular refineries.

They further called on the government to increase sensitisation among the citizenry and train the youth at the secondary level, to inculcate the habit of protecting the environment.

The women added: “Civil society organisations should conduct training on the Green Climate Finance to provide information and knowledge on how eligible organisations can access the funds.

“Community Leaders should localise climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. State and local governments should endeavour to budget for climate change interventions.

Delegates said state and local governments should prepare for flooding, since it has become an annual occurrence, to enable them to intervene strategically in addressing the challenges posed by flooding.

Delegates also committed to preparing to participate in the Conference of Parties, particularly the forthcoming COP27 in Egypt.

The aim of the training, which brought together 35 delegates including community women leaders, women farmers, youths, civil society organisations, media, as well as ward councilors, was to deepen understanding of climate change as well as share experiences on climate change manifestations in communities.

The training also deliberated on how community members, particularly women, have adapted to climate crisis and the mitigation strategies used locally to respond to the issue.

Apart from Kebetkache, other participating organisations include Women Initiative on Climate Change, Otuabagi Women, Okwuzi Women Forum, Abua Women Association, Abua/Odual Kupe Foundation, and Egi Women Human Rights Environmental Justice Initiative.