Woman detained for disrupting court session in Minna

A Magistrate’s Court 5 in Minna has remanded a woman, Rose Mary Chuckuma Ajah, in prison custody after putting up self directed drama to stop a court session by shouting and crying, accompanied by demonstrations.

Her action made people watch from a safe distance in surprise as she constituted public disturbance and nuisance.

The first scene of her drama began at about 11am Friday when she entered the court within the Niger state judiciary complex and began to display public performance of nuisance which disrupted the sitting despite the court order for her to stop. 

This was said to have drawn the attention of some senior judicial officials who rushed to the scene to pacify the woman, apparently to restore order to the court, but their efforts did not yield the peace needed for the court to continue sitting. 

Sources said it took the intervention of the police to persuade the woman to follow them to their station.

However, this was not the end of the drama as the second scene later resumed at about 2.30pm when the police returned her to Chief Magistrate Court with a First Information Report (FIR).

Blueprint gathered that this time around, she drew more attention to herself by wailing louder and refusing to sit in the courtroom. She was reportedly shouting: “I will not sit in this court, I want to go to the other court,” and despite several efforts by police on court duties to calm her, she insisted on going away from the court. The FIR was subsequently assigned to court 5 in Tunga area of Minna.