Why we’re on nationwide cleaning exercise — Women Accountants 

Women Accountants, an umbrella body of Professional Women Accountants in Nigeria (PROWAN), has embarked on nationwide cleaning exercise, to enhance the quality of life of benefitting communities.

The exercise recently took place simultaneously in all states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory in advancement of the group’s corporate social responsibility.

In Abuja, members of PROWAN under the aegis of Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN) visited the popular Wuse Market where they carried out cleaning exercise to enhance the hygiene environment of the place where the people trade.

Addressing newsmen shortly after the exercise, national vice chairman of PROWAN, Petu Joyce Aina, expressed satisfaction with the reception accorded the women accountants by traders and workers at the market.

 According to Aina, a former chairman of ANAN FCT 1 Abuja, the exercise was predicated on the strong conviction of the women accountants that health is wealth.

She said human environment plays a significant role in strengthening the health system, wondering why open defecation has consistently remained a source of worry.

“We are not oblivious of the fact that a very good hygiene is key to human health. A healthy man is a wealthy man, so a healthy environment plays a pivotal role in building wealth in all nations.

“Again, this is in line with the Renewed Hope agenda of President Bola Tinubu, who has graciously included sanitation in the Ministry of Water Resources.

“The ‘Clean Nigeria’ project was equally established under the current Ministry of Water and Sanitation; so we appreciate the level of importance attached to sanitation under this administration.

“So we join Nigerians to help in cleaning Nigeria, as well as lending our voices in the campaign against open defecation,” she stated.

While urging Nigerians to shun open defecation, Aina said such practices undermine the efforts to enhance the condition of the environment for human habitation.

In her remarks, the coordinator of PROWAN, FCT chapter, Margaret Ameh, while decrying various health challenges bedeviling citizens, noted that a clean environment could reasonably enhance human health.