We won’t support Buhari, Atiku-Presidential candidates Forum

The Patriotic Forum of Presidential Candidates (PFPC) says it would neither align with the Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP) spearheaded by the main opposition People’s Democratic Party (PDP) nor the Balarabe Musa headed coalition initiated by the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).
The Forum therefore said it would neither adopt nor endorse the candidates of the two major parties- the PDP and the APC, but did not rule out collapsing their ambition for a consensus candidate amongst them to emerge.
““We aren’t part of the CUPP championed by the PDP and we are not also part of the coalition headed by Balarabe Musa and initiated and spearheaded by the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).  We are a Forum of presidential candidates. We won’t align with any political party or individual.
“Our interest is to see how the 2019 general elections will be credible and violent free.  We as presidential candidate will endeavour to guide our utterances through our behaviour. We must be presidential in speech and conduct”, the presidential candidate of the Advanced Peoples Democratic Alliance (APDA), Alhaji Mohammed Shittu said.
Rather than align with the major political parties, the Forum said its members would seek to lend support to the relevant authorities to ensure that the 2019 general elections are free, credible and transparent.
Accordingly, the Forum cautioned the Independent National Electoral Commission and the Nigeria Police in particular to allow transparent and peaceful electoral process and thus make it possible for eligible voters to come out en mass to exercise their franchise.
The Forum vowed to collaborate with the media to provide cheaper, equal and level playground to all candidates, with emphasis on credible electoral reporting.
“The overall objective of the forum is to advocate and ensure the delivery of free, fair, credible and violence free election in2019.It is most important to have Nigeria united as individual entity after the polls.
“To crave the indulgence of the international community and Nigerians in diaspora to pay adequate attention and support to Nigeria at this critical time, when the nation is about to go to the polls to elect new sets of democratic leaders”, Dr. Onwubuya Breakforth, the presidential candidate of Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) said.
The Forum, which Breakforth said is made of 40 out of the 79 presidential candidates, appealed to all stakeholders to commit to credible and free and fair general elections.
“We, therefore, appeal to the government, INEC, political parties and stakeholders seeking political offices through the various political platforms in the forthcoming elections and the electorate to avoid any acts capable of jeopardizing our national coexistence and the chance of having peaceful and credible election come 2019 general elections”, Breakforth said.