We don’t share money with coaches – NFF scribe

General secretary of Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Barr. Musa Amadu, yesterday described as ‘totally senseless and baseless,’ insinuations in a section of the  media and by some idle souls that key officials of NFF are in the habit of sharing salaries and allowances with coaches of national teams.
Amadu, who has over the past four years presided over the most successful secretariat in the history of Nigeria football, lampooned the carriers of such wicked rumours.

Amadu lambasted the purveyors of the rumours, stating that their sole intention is to derail Nigeria’s 2014 FIFA World Cup plan after all other methods by the detractors have failed woefully.

“Otherwise, why is the issue only just propping up less than 50 days to the opening match of the FIFA World Cup in Brazil?”
“We are not deterred. The NFF is fully focused on the task of preparing the Super Eagles adequately for a brilliant outing at the FIFA World Cup Finals in Brazil. Nothing can distract us,” he said.