We are left behind in provision of social amenities – Herders

The National President Kulen Allah Cattle Rearers Association of Nigeria (KACRAN), Khalil Mohammed Bello, has said pastoralist have left behind in all the provision of social amenities in the country.

Bello made this known Thursday in Damaturu during sensitization of their members to participate actively and massively in the forthcoming 2023 general elections.

He said if there is any time in the history of Nigeria when pastoralist are support to cast their votes it is now.

“We determined as a national president of kullen Allah Cattle Rearears Association to make sure that our people that is herders who are residing in the rural areas and the most remote areas are fully sensitised to participate actively in the 2023 elections.

“We equally declared our support for Governor Mai Mala Buni at the state level as he is our right candidate for the governorship elections.

He called on the federal government to make sure that all the grazing reserve, blocked cattle route are reclaimed so that livestock development in the country would contribute immensely in the nation building.