Ways of improving Nigeria

Nigeria will be better if the leaders and the led change their attitudes, love one another, and turn to God for Him to heal our land. We all need to turn around and embrace righteousness for Nigeria to see better days.

Prophetically, I want to assure Nigerians that we should not lose hope in the country, despite the socio-political and economic challenges, but we should always be in fervent prayers, repent of our sins, look unto God and have faith in Him for He will shower His blessings and favour on faithful believers.

Our economic management team should adopt policies that have human face and embark on effective utilisation of the nation’s resources for the development of the country.

The leaders and the led should shun selfish interests. Capitalism is returning Nigeria to the era of slavery and the solution is the abolition of greed and antagonistic competition in our economic system.

The federal government should use its political will to tackle the seeming insurmountable power problems in the country to fast-track socio-economic and infrastructural development in our country. Ensuring better Nigeria and its continued unity is in our hands. Nigeria will be great if we do the right things by embracing righteousness. We must be good people to God, listen to His words and those of the Holy Spirit.

I want to plead that all of us should work seriously towards ensuring that Nigeria remains one united nation. This year, Nigeria will be 100 years; we just have to make it work, as there is power in number … as in China, India, USA and Indonesia. We cannot fold our hands and see our unity shattered. Let us all join hands to see Nigeria work. Also, we must all be concerned about the security of our nation that is being threatened.

Prophet Oladipupo Funmilade-Joel (Baba Sekunderin),