Violence: Obaseki, Ize-Iyamu to appear before Benin Monarch

The Oba of Benin, His Royal Majesty Ewuare 11, has said he would invite the gubernatorial candidates, People’s Democratic Party’s (PDP), Mr Godwin Obaseki and Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu of the All Progressives Congress (APC) along with other candidates of other political parties to appear before his palace with a view to advising them against further perpetuation of violence ahead of the election in the state.
Ewuare 11 also advocated for a single term for presidents and governors as  was proposed by previous constitutional conferences in the country. 

The Benin monarch said since the fear of single term is that the elected candidates for single term will not perform, mechanisms should be put in place to ensure that candidates who win election would perform or be impeached. 
The monarch who made this remark on Thursday in Benin when the Chairman Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof Mahmood Yakubu, paid him a courtesy visit in his palace called for “mechanisms for appraisal of single term president or governor.
“There should be mechanism for appraisal, It will work very efficiently. No life is worth dying in an election,” he said.

He appealed to Edo indigenes not to sacrifice their lives saying that once they (politicians) get into office, they will not remember those who sacrificed their lives. 
“They keep their children out of the street and use other peoples children who die and get maimed during elections and electioneering while they amass wealth for themselves”, appealing to all Edo and Nigerians to eachew violence during elections. 
“I will invite them here (the palace) especially the ones that you call the gladiators. “I will endeavour to tell them their people don’t want any violence but to maintain peace.”

The Benin monarch accused the former chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Adams Oshiomhole who he said single-handedly selected Dr Godwin Obaseki as his successor without consulting with the people. 
“If he had consulted, who knows whether the situation would have been different now,” he said.

Contrasting the 2015 presidential election with most governorship elections in the states, the royal father commended the outcome of the federal election in 2015, describing it as ‘amazing’. 
He stated that Jonathan is now working closely with president Buhari, wondering why the gubernatorial elections cannot be like that. 
“It is very sad but God is always on the side of Nigeria. I’m not an expert in political analysis, if there can be a possible option to avoid the kind of situation we are in Edo state, 
He urged Edo people to maintain peace and help INEC in the forthcoming elections to do their work, enjoining INEC “to strive to be non partisan in the conduct of all elections.
He said the warring individuals, individually come to his palace and “call me baba, baba” wondering how he could be the father of people who are perpetuating violence in his kingdom. 

“The chiefs have been mandated to pray for a successful election. I want to emphasise that you need to be non-partisan. Don’t let anybody say anything to confuse you. The Benin chiefs know how to align with the best candidate that will respect the traditional institution,  the candidate that will bring food to the table of the masses. We have to advice and pray for more wisdom for God’s wisdom to guide us.” 
He called for thorough consultation by political parties when they want to elect or anoint a successor.
“Maybe, there should be an unwritten constitution where a flagbearer in the first term will remain the flagbearer in the second term to avoid rancour within the party. 
“They should consult widely before producing a candidate. The issue of godfatherism should not come into play because once he emerges, let the mechanism for good performance be in force,” he said.

He prayed that INEC should ensure peaceful elections not only in Edo state but in Nigeria. He also called on INEC to be non partisan while praying  that like the 2015 general election,  Edo state will remain peaceful after the elections.
He also called on the federal government to empower the police, DSS and all security agencies to acquire more gadgets to collect intelligence. 
“I think the DSS should be the agency that should should gather intelligence for police to act, saying that “at the end of the tunnel there will be light,” he said.
Oba Ewuare 11 stated that he would urge the traditional chiefs to continue to fast and pray for the state adding that “prayer can be stronger than weapons.”

He acknowledged that INEC’s work is a difficult one adding that there has been pockets of violence in the state and urged all to pray and assist the electoral body to conduct a successful election.
Earlier, the INEC chairman Prof Yakubu had outlined measures being put in place for a peaceful, safe, credible, free and transparent elections.
Prof. Yakubu stated that he led his team to seek the blessings of the royal father for the successful conduct of the polls.