Uba Sani speaks on Kaduna governorship tribunal judgement


Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna state has applauded the ruling of Kaduna Gubernatorial Election Petition Tribunal which upheld his election, describing it as a clear affirmation of the popular mandate given to him by the people of Kaduna state. 

The Kaduna State Gubernatorial Election Petition Tribunal on Thursday upheld the election of Governor Uba Sani, while dismissing the petition filed by People’s Democratic Party (PDP) gubernatorial candidate, Hon. Isah Ashiru Kudan. The three-man panel of judges, Justice Victor Oviawie (lead), Justice K. Damlat and Justice N. Nonye, in a split judgment 2-1 struck out the petition because the preliminary notice was filed out of time, and was deemed to have been abandoned.

Speaking in a statement he personally signed shortly after his ejection was affirmed, Governor Uba Sani said, “I am extremely delighted and humbled by the ruling of the Election Petition Tribunal affirming my victory in the 2023 Kaduna State Governorship Elections. The judgement is an unequivocal affirmation of the popular mandate graciously given to me by the people of Kaduna state. I commend the Tribunal for their thoroughness and lucidity. They have enriched our jurisprudence and practice of electoral democracy. 

“I also commend my dear brother, Hon. Isah Ashiru Kudan for approaching the Tribunal to ventilate his grievances. This is a clear demonstration of his belief in the principles of democracy and the imperative of civility in the conduct of political actors. I call on Hon. Isah Ashiru and members of the opposition parties in Kaduna state to join hands with us as we strive to move our dear state to a higher level. 

“We are all stakeholders in PROJECT KADUNA. It is not about personal glory. Our people want all hands to be on deck to address the myriad of challenges confronting the state. If political actors are united, a clear signal will be sent to our people that the quest for peace, security, progress and development of our state are the driving forces of our participation in politics. 

“I call on our party faithful to moderate their celebration of this victory. They must individually and collectively extend an olive branch to our brothers and sisters in other political parties. Instead of celebrating, we should bow down in prayers to the Almighty God for His continued guidance and protection. Let us focus on the tasks ahead.”