TUC, NLC to form alliance over 2023 general elections

The Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) has resolved to form an alliance with the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) to ensure active role for workers in the political space ahead of 2023.

In a communique issued at the end of its political roundtable conference in Abuja, the TUC enumerated some important steps the Organised Labour was determined to take in order to achieve their set out objectives.

Signed by its President, Comrade Quadri Olaleye, the resolutions, according to the communiqué were; “That there is the need for a platform that has the dual role of political education and electoral participation. There is the need to replicate the Round Table, organise town hall meetings and advocacy programmes on active political participation of Nigerian Workers and Citizens in the States and Local Governments of the Federation.

“All Nigerian Workers and eligible Citizens yet to obtain their permanent voter’s card should do so without further delay. Hence, advocacy will be stepped up in this regards. There is the need to identify and canvass eligible voters who have voter apathy and discourage such attitude through groundswell political sensitization across the country. The Congress will utilise the use of the media especially social media, campaign flyres and posters and other devices in its political education programmes.

“That there is the need to come up with a common manifesto, agenda and programme that would be used to canvass positions with the Nigerian people. Organised labour needs to have agenda to mobilise people to save the country from it being collapsed through a platform of unity to address issue and to further ensure a better governance beyond 2023 election and discuss what is achievable for the 2023 general election.

“That Nigerian workers have a duty and an obligation to intervene in the political process in Nigeria; to this end, workers have to go beyond their comfort zone which is the economic struggle and get organised as a class and engage the political space in Nigeria. In view of this position, the Trade Union Congress (TUC), Nigeria Labour Congress, their affiliates and workers in the informal sector and workers in training must become organised to get involved in Politics in Nigeria.