Traffic gridlock eases as military changes tactics

Motorists and commuters on the Keffi/Abuja highway heaved a sigh of relief yesterday as the military expanded the barricades it set up on the road for a stop and search.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that following the adjustment, the route began to witness free flow of traffic.
It was observed that additional armed soldiers were drafted to the check-point with most of them lining the route and observing the movement of vehicles into the city centre.
They are being complemented by plainclothes operatives from other security agencies.
NAN reported that the military began the exercise on April 17, four days after the blast that rocked the Nyanya bus terminus and killed more than 70 people.
However, following complaints, the Defence Headquarters in a statement, urged the people to bear with the situation.
“The actions are necessitated by the emerging security threats facing the nation, which call for support and understanding of the populace,’’ Maj.-Gen. Chris Olukolade, Defence spokesman, said. (NAN)