There are two major killers in our midst that you should know about and guard against. Ignoring them does you no good whatsoever and only serves to ignite the fire while you bathe in gasoline.
Inherited Cancers
These are cancers that run in families. There are some cancers that have happened in your family which you should make serious efforts to investigate and learn about. If cancer has happened to a close member of your family, like a mother or father, and their siblings, then ensure you know the full history and the specific diagnosis. This way, you can screen regularly for such cancers and do something about the prevention. It is also very important if the cancers occur at young ages in your family.
Perhaps you have heard about Angelina Jolie, the actress who had both her breasts removed as prevention of breast cancer. Well, she is married to Brad Pitt, a Hollywood actor who many women swoon over. I like him too, by the way. He has been in many pretty good and successful movies such as Money ball and World War Z. Sorry, I digressed.
Breast cancer
About the double mastectomy! Angelina Jolie, whose mother died of breast cancer at 56, opted for the procedure after she tested positive for mutated BRCA-1 gene, which gave her an estimated “87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer.” Yes, Angelina and many other women have embraced the option of having their breasts removed as a means to beat breast cancer. Breast cancer starts in the breast tissue, so if there is no breast, there is possibly no cancer. By the way, she has had breast implants and breast reconstruction so she still looks great!
Do you follow? If you have a very STRONG family history of cancer, then the likelihood is you are living on borrowed time and you may be a walking dead. It is not just breast cancer though. Other such cancers are ovarian cancer, colon cancers and skin cancers such as malignant melanoma.
Sudden Death Syndrome
It is often difficult to consider that someone who is apparently fit may be at risk of sudden death. Sudden Death Syndrome is defined as non-violent unexpected death resulting from cardiac arrest or stroke within as little as six hours of previously witnessed normal health. Sudden death syndrome is often caused by sudden heart attack (cardiac arrest) and sudden brain attack (stroke). Both are more likely in patients with hypertension and diabetes. However, there are people who do not know they have hypertension or diabetes. Many also know but prefer to ignore the diseases. Some are also under instruction or treatment by pastors and the local herbalist. These are people who are pretty sick but just don’t know it or do not care.
Heart Attack and stroke (brain attack)
The two diseases are both caused in the majority by hypertension. Hypertension is the silent killer among Nigerians and many still ignore this disease at their peril. You must care about hypertension and you must do something about it: seriously. Hypertension is the original silent killer. It does harm silently. Some people tell me that they take their drugs when their blood pressure is high. That they know when it’s high as their body gives them some “odd signals.” Of course, what they fail to realise is that the signals are signs of damage to vital organs and impending doom. By the time hypertension gives you signals, it has already done harm and a stroke, heart attack or kidney failure is only down the street.
Where do YOU go from here?
The two killers discussed here are preventable. Know who you are, the family you come from and their medical history. Share information about the medical problems that run in the family and do not hide behind religion or ignorance. God only helps those who help themselves.
Preventing cancers
Cancer treatment in Nigeria is poor and bedevilled by mediocrity. From misdiagnoses of cancer as Malaria or Tuberculosis, poor recognition of early signs, late presentation, poor diagnosis by radiologists and our dear pathologists and of course, wrong treatment by non specialist doctors: since there are no standards or protocols for management of many cancers in Nigeria. Effective surgery, effective radiotherapy and other adjuvant therapies are not structured care in Nigeria. In the main, the major focus in Nigeria must therefore be on preventive strategies and that is up to you!
Prevent hypertension
Health education of the community with emphasis on control of the predisposing factors especially hypertension, would reduce the incidence/occurrence of heart attacks and strokes in the country. Serious and dedicated management of hypertension, diabetes, mild chest pains and mild stroke is important. Patients, relatives, doctors and nurses must be able to recognise the signs of these harbingers of death in their patients. Patients at risk MUST be warned and treated expeditiously. The preventive management should begin in childhood, with emphasis on information, education, exercise, good sensible nutrition, weight and blood sugar control, avoidance of tobacco and excessive alcohol.
Finally, we must learn to recognise the walking dead among us. And help them!
Zombie o, zombie (Zombie o, zombie)
Zombie o, zombie (Zombie o, zombie)