The good services by FMC Azare

I write to express appreciation as well as commendations for the efforts of the Chief Medical Director, Federal Medical Centre, Azare, Bauchi state Dr. Dauda Abubakar Katagum, towards the smooth operation of the centre, which everyone can attest to.

Since assuming duty as the CMD of the FMC Azare, Dr Katagum has carried out many reforms, including administrative changes, welfare of workers as well as his tireless and timely supervision of the treatment of patients attending the hospital. He also digitised the operations of the hospital by introducing internet services, which makes the work effective and efficient. 

he use of the internet in managing the hospital is certainly a welcome development. This is because internet services make the retrieval of patients’ files faster and helps to reduce operational costs.

The CMD is reputed to be highly social and open-minded, as can be seen from his friendly interaction with the staff under him. Additionally, he is always ready to assist the needy even before being asked, especially the junior staff who cannot survive on their income. These philanthropic gestures have endeared him to the staff and generality of the people in the area.

I am appealing that Dr Katagum should be honoured in order to encourage him to do more for society. Hopefully, others in the same position and influence would emulate him. I also call on the federal government to extend his tenure. This is because great men like him are needed in our immediate community.

Mallam Musbahu Magayaki,

Sabon Fegi, Azare, Bauchli state 

[email protected]