Terrorists kill Sokoto varsity DVC, kidnap 35 others in fresh Zamfara attack

Group of bandits Monday blocked Gusau-Funtua federal highway and kidnapped many passengers.

The bandits also killed Prof. Yusuf Saidu, the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research, Innovation and Development at the Usumanu Danfodio University (UDUS). 

Blueprint gathered that the bandits attacked passengers around Kucheri village of Tsafe local government council at around 11:30.

A resident in the area told our correspondent via telephone interview that the bandits came in large number riding motorcycles.

“We were busy in our farms, only to sight the bandits in large numbers riding motorcycles and heading to the main highway with sophisticated weapons,” he said.

 He stated that the professor was on his way from Funtua axis to Sokoto when he met the bandits. He added that   when he resisted being kidnapped, the bandits short him on the spot.

Blueprint reports that Gusau-Funtua federal highway has became a death-trap where almost on daily basis, the bandits used to block the road and attack commuters.

In the same vein, another group of recalcitrant bandits invaded Danbaza village of Maradun local government in Zamfara state and kidnapped 35 people.

A resident in the area, identified as Malam Lawali Danbaza, told our correspondent via telephone interview that the bandits besieged the village at around 8:00pm Sunday and kidnapped the victims.

“We only heard gunshots sporadically when they stormed our village and we ran to nearby forest for our safety. But later, we discovered that over 35 people, including women, girls and men were kidnapped by the bandits during the attack,” he stated.