Tension in Ondo over death of naval officer

There is palpable tension in Idoani community of Ose local government area of Ondo state over the killing of a naval officer (name withheld) late Monday evening as naval men have reportedly gone on rampage to ensure the arrest of culprits.

It was gathered that the military men had invaded the agrarian community to look for those behind the killing of their colleague, which degenerated to a worrisome situation, leading to shut down of shops and market places.

Most young men in the community have reportedly fled the area for fear of arrest while many residents of the community have expressed worry over the development as colleagues of the deceased officer allegedly threatened to avenge his death.

According to information in the community, the naval officer who was driving along the road reportedly splashed water on a passenger on a motorcycle while trying to avoid potholes on the road. 

Information revealed that, the deceased had parked and apologised to the motorcyclist who commands a sizeable number of thugs in the community but the man identified as Ayo refused to listen to all the pleas from the naval officer. 

The Okada rider thus called some hoodlums in the town, who invaded the scene and hit the naval officer with an iron rod on his head, and he lost consciousness.

The naval officer was however rushed to an undisclosed hospital in the town but gave up the ghost before getting to the hospital and was confirmed dead by the doctor. 

The Okada rider was apprehended and handed over to the police in the town while one of the thugs who hit the deceased with the iron was said to have taken to his heel to avoid being arrested. 

The state Police Command could not confirm the development as at the time of filing this report, but the State Police Public Relations Officer, Funmi Odunlami, promised to get back to us on the Idoani community incident.