Supreme Court: APC, Omo-Agege, LP, PDP congratulate Oborevwori

The All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate and former Deputy Senate President, Ovie Omo-Agege on friday accepted defeat and congratulated the People Democratic Party (PDP) candidate in the 2023 governorship elections in Delta state, Governor Sheriff Oborevwori on his victory at the Supreme Court.

In a statement by Omo-Agege, he acknowledged the long-drawn legal battle, expressing his commitment to offering the best governance for the state.

According to him, “as the final court of the land, all citizens are bound to accept and abide by its decisions, even if they do not accord with their personal or collective expectations of justice.

He emphasised the importance of collective interests over personal or party affiliations, urging the people of Delta state to respect the court’s decision and prioritise unity and peace.

“So, we ask our people to respect today’s decision and give their best to promote peace everywhere in our beloved Delta State.

The unity, peace, and general good of our dear state are bigger and more important than any individual or group interest.”

“Now, to my dear brother, His Excellency, Rt. Honourable Sherrif Oborevwori, the Governor of Delta State, accept my congratulations on your victory today.

“It has been a long-drawn-out struggle to offer our people the best in the governance of our state. It is about the collective interest and good of our people, not our personal interests.

“Having now received the Supreme Court’s seal of approval, I must wish you well as a Democrat. May the good Lord guide and abide with you and give you good health, strength, and wisdom to govern our state well in Jesus’ name,” Senator Omo-Agege prayed.

The former Deputy Senate President also took the opportunity to thank various individuals and groups, including his running mate, Rt. Hon. Friday Osanebi, and APC National Leader, President Bola Tinubu, for their support throughout the electoral process.

The Labour Party in the state also issued a statement, congratulating Governor Oborevwori and expressing acceptance of the Supreme Court’s verdict in good faith.

Meanwhile, the state Peoples Democratic Party expressed its heartfelt congratulations to the Governor on his well-deserved victory, which it said has brought a final closure to all litigations challenging his election as the Executive Governor of Delta State

The felicitations, contained in a press statement by the party’s publicity secretary, Dr Ifeanyi Osuoza, assured that the victory has now cleared the coast for the full implementation and delivery of the MORE Agenda for Deltans.

“We applaud the judiciary once again for their undoubted consistency and conviction right from the Elections Petitions Tribunal in maintaining an unwavering position on the result of the March 18, 2023, governorship election in our state, and this final judgement is an irreversible affirmation of the decision of the Delta masses to vote landslide for Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori as their duly elected governor.”