…Sultan to FG: close all borders, set up testing, quarantine centres

The Sultan of Sokoto and President General of Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI), Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, has urged the federal government to seal Nigerian borders and set up coronavirus testing and quarantine centers across the country.

The Muslim leader, who called for palliative measures and food security for the populace, said that the measures will ensure that Nigeria is no longer susceptible to the disease being imported into the country, while the testing centers will enable early detection anywhere in the country and quick quarantine and treatment to stem spread of the disease.

Speaking in a statement signed by the JNI Secretary General, Dr Khalid Aliyu on Friday, the Sultan said, “Jama’atu Nasril Islam under the leadership of Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, Sultan of Sokoto and president-general, JNI, is seriously disturbed over the increase of spread of the deadly coronavirus (Covid- 19) and also perturbed on the threat it poses to life of the citizenry in Nigeria.

He said, “Total border closure should be enhanced for fear of influx of neighboring countries’ nationals getting entrance into our countries because of the nature of our porous borders. Government must see to the provision of special health centers nationwide for testing and quarantining.

“Strong palliative measures should be taken, in order to cushion the painful economic effect of this pandemic which has already caused inflation in the country, especially on the livelihoods of the citizenry, because of the irregular changes of demand and supply.

“The relevance of food security cannot be over emphasised, as it forms part of the palliatives in cushioning the pang of this menace. As such government should provide outlets for essential commodities for the citizenry at subsidised rates. There should be routine briefing and updates to the nation on the situation of the pandemic, in order to forestall fake news and rumour mongering.

“Nonetheless, government should direct all relevant agencies in re-doubling their efforts and providing the necessary medical equipments and facilities needed to tackle this menace in order to save the citizenry from this dangerous virus.

“This trying time calls for introspection and sober reflection for humanity to appreciate the greatness of Allah (SWT), His Might and Power, in testing humanity with the weakest creature of the simple air we breathe and can’t catch or reverse it. We are, therefore, urged to take necessary recourse and refuge in Him the most high for relief and healing.”