Sudan: Nigeria to spend $1.2m on citizens’ evacuation, no life lost yet – FG 

The federal government said Wednesday that $1.2 million would be spent to transport stranded Nigerians from Khartoum, the Sudan, to Egypt.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Geoffrey Onyeama, said this while briefing State House correspondents at the end of the weekly Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting chaired by President Muhammadu Buhari.

“Just to provide an update on what is happening with regards to the evacuation of Nigerians in Sudan.  You recall that the main challenge we had was first of all securing the authorization of the Sudanese government and then security support for the convoy.

“This is because it has been decided that we will transport or convey Nigerian to the Egyptian border Aswan. We are liaising with our embassy in Egypt as well so we have been able to overcome these challenges and we have started the process which we are very happy about.

“$1.2 million is what we’re being charged for all the 40 buses. We have huge transporter luxury buses made available to us to transport our citizens to the Egyptian border.

“Of course you know, because of the risks involved and so many other things, a lot of people are going to also take advantage; you’re going to hike up the price. We saw that the French convoy was attacked and so forth. It was difficult procuring these buses. But we had to do it because you know Nigerian lives matter for us,” he said.

Also speaking, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Mr Zubairu Dada, said no Nigerian life has been lost in Sudan since the conflict broke out on April 15, 2023.

“The evacuation is being done in batches to ensure the safety of all Nigerians. But the good news is that no Nigerian life has been lost so far. I think it’s important to stress that all Nigerians are very safe.

“And we’re very confident and hopeful that we shall not lose any Nigerian life Insha Allah shall in this exercise. All is well and we’re good to go,” he said.

The minister said the federal government has arranged for security support and transportation for the Nigerians to the Egyptian border.

He said the government was making every effort to evacuate as many Nigerians as possible during the 72-hour window provided by the Sudanese government.

On whether all Nigerians would be evacuated before the 72 hour window, the minister said: “We have no problem about the 72 hour window. Because we’ve talked to all the authorities concerned and we’re on the same page. But talking about the window, we are making every effort to ensure that we make use of this window to evaluate as many Nigerians as we possibly can.”

He said some Nigerians have already been evacuated by ship by the government of Saudi Arabia.

“Let me also add that some Nigerians have actually been evacuated by ship, I guess from Port Sudan, by the government of Saudi Arabia. Don’t forget, this is a joint effort.”