State of emergency on capacity development in NASS 

Last week Monday, the management of the National Assembly (NASS), declared state of emergency on capacity development for all categories of its workforce for facilitation of better service delivery. TAIYE ODEWALE reports

Meaning of capacity development or building 

Interchangeably used, capacity – building or development, is defined as the process of developing and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes and resources that organizations and communities need to survive, adapt, and thrive in a fast-changing world. 

An essential ingredient in capacity-building is transformation that is generated and sustained over time from within; transformation of this kind goes beyond performing tasks to changing mindsets and attitudes.

Succinctly put, capacity building (or capacity development),  is the process by which individuals and organizations obtain, improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment and other resources needed to do their jobs competently or to a greater capacity all geared towards better service delivery.

NASS model

Apparently in repositioning its workforce for quality and better service delivery for the 469 federal lawmakers in the less than three months old 10th National Assembly and Nigerians generally, the National Assembly in collaboration with Zaramat Global Company Limited; held four – day capacity development for its intermediate and senior management staff from Monday to Thursday last week in Abuja ( 21st – 24th August, 2023).

Declaration of State of Emergency on the capacity development for staff 

At the workshop themed: “Re-orientation for Improved Productivity and Service Delivery”, the Clerk to the National Assembly, Alhaji Sanni Magaji Tambawal, declared the training as State of Emergency for all staffers of the National Assembly .

Tambawal who made the declaration in his speech at the event held at the main auditorium of Chida Hotel, Abuja said : “Training remains a critical tool for development and promotion of organisational growth. It is considered the superlative solution for closing the capacity gaps that the current National Assembly Management identified in its assessment tour of all Directorates. 

“The intrinsic values and attractions of trainings make it possible for organisations to retain top talents. That is why the Management has declared a ‘State-of-Emergency’ on capacity development for etaff of the National Assembly. 

“This became our resolve, having realised that it is an improved workforce combined with institutional structures, tools and a Staff-friendly welfare system that would catapult the National Assembly Service to the enviable height. Thus, this training is part of our renewed efforts to evolve a more resourceful, professional and efficient National Assembly bureaucracy that is capable of optimally discharging its statutory responsibilities.  

“The theme of this workshop: “Re-orientation for improved Productivity and Service Delivery” and the incidental topics are carefully chosen to expose participants to new terrains and dimensions in the world of public service to galvanise our service delivery capacity. As Jack Welch, an American Business Executive opined, the ultimate competitive advantage of an organisation is its ability to learn and rapidly translate the learning into action.

“It is, therefore, our hope that this training would enable all participants not only to teach the vision and mission we represent as an indispensable arm of government, but to also put them into use.  

“In our desire to be more staff-centred and to leave an enduring legacy through institutional reforms, the management has no doubt expressed its passion for staff welfare in several ways. Hence, the recent procurement of Coaster Buses for the Parliamentary Staff Association of Nigeria (PASAN), National Assembly Chapter, the ongoing revitalisation of the National Assembly Clinic and improved stocking of its mini-pharmacy with medications, the recent Lagos Labour-Management Relations Workshop, other training programmes that are in the offing, our open door policy, and decentralised approach to administration are all manifestations of our efforts for the realisation of a more conducive workplace.   

“The management is cognisant of derogatory names labeled on some Directorates and Departments in the National Assembly as “DUMPING GROUND” or “SIBERIA”. Let me strongly reiterate the point here that my administration recognises all Directorates and Departments of the National Assembly as equals and partners in the pursuit of the same vision, which is to evolve a professional, proactive, efficient and effective bureaucracy of the apex legislative body in the country.

“This training is thus, designed to cover topics that would deepen our understanding, enlarge our information base and strengthen our capacity for improved service delivery. We are therefore, expected to focus more on the knowledge that would be gained in the process and less on the financial rewards attached to it”. 

Making the era of a worker handling a schedule for 10 years , thing of the past 

Earlier in his own speech, the Secretary , Human Resources and Staff Development , Barrister Birma Shaibu Maina, said the intensive capacity development workshop being organised for all categories of staff in NASS will reposition it for better service delivery to the lawmakers and Nigerians generally .

He pointedly declared that conservative scenario of a staff  staying on a particular schedule for close to 10 to 20 years, would be a thing of the past.

“This is the first of the series of capacity development workshop planned for all categories of staff in the National Assembly for its required repositioning for quality and better service delivery .

“It is the belief of the management that after the workshops, all the staff must have been well equipped, retooled and enriched knowledge-wise , for quality service delivery. 

“The unacceptapble era of a staff handling a particular schedule for 10 to 20 years , would surely be thing of the past “, he said .

The non – involement of NILDS in the trainings 

As welcome as the planned series of capacity – building trainings for staffers of the National Assembly may be ,, the non – involement of the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS), looked strange to many watchers of the event. 

The strangeness of the whole arrangement lies in the fact NILDS , as primarily saddled , is the statutory body meant for such engagement , having carried out series of such in the past and most recently , in May this year before the inauguration of the 10th National Assembly , collaborated  with management of NASS in giving induction training to the 469 federal lawmakers.

CNA ‘s explanation on non – involvement of NILDS 

However in his reaction to non – involvement  of NILDS in the capacity development trainings being given different categories of Staff of the National Assembly , the Clerk (CNA) , Sanni Magaji Tambawal said there was nothing unusual about that .

Tambawal who reacted through his Special Adviser on Media , Shehu Umar , in an exclusive chat with the Blueprint Newspapers, said:” National Assembly can adopt any platforms to train its staff . 

“However that does not mean that NILDS is being excluded from its programmes . NILDS is part and parcel of NASS and will at most of the times , collaborate with it for such trainings and workshops”, he said.

Expected results from the capacity development

Having kick – started series of capacity – development trainings for different categories of its workforce, it is expected that the aims of such trainings, will materialise in the way and manner, staff carry out their duties, particularly a staff not handling a schedule for donkey years any longer .