Spate of banditry, kidnapping in Zamfara, Katsina, others worries CNG

The Coalition of Northern Groups (CNG) has expressed displeasure over the increase in banditry and kidnapping activities, especially in rural areas of Zamfara, Katsina, Niger Sokoto and Kaduna states.

The Coalition while briefing newsmen on Saturday on the deteriorating security situation in Northern Nigeria warned that the resurgence of this security challenge has caused untold hardship and agony to the people of the state and poses a serious threat to the entire northern region and must stop.

The Coalition spokesperson, Abdul-Azeez Suleiman, further said the frequency and regularity of these incidents have become alarming, reaching audacious heights to a point whereby silence has become complicity and inaction is no longer an option.

He said the CNG has watched and studied these events carefully and with considerable restraint and maturity, all along hoping that the government will act decisively to secure the people.

“But the recent bandit attack and abduction of dozens of students of Gusau University in Zamfara has taken things too far and is absolutely unacceptable.

“We find it regrettable that despite claims of successes by the government security forces, the escalating rate of banditry and kidnapping in Zamfara and other frontline states like Katsina, Niger, Sokoto and parts of Kaduna has continued to claim precious lives, disrupt economic activities and ruin livelihoods.

“The kidnappings have disproportionately targeted school children and students, with several schools affected between June and August, forcing many schools to shut down and leaving both parents and students worried about their safety.”

He said the audacity of these crimes is striking and suspicious, as they occur even in broad daylight and on major highways sometimes in the full glare of government security forces.

He said the group demand urgent action from government to secure the release of the abducted students of Gusau University to be reunited with their families alive and safe.

In his words, “we declare that CNG will remain firm in its stance that President Tinubu must display a genuine commitment to addressing the security challenges in the North, departing from the usual approach.

“Demand that those responsible for ensuring the security of Zamfara University, where the horrific incident of the attack and abduction of innocent girls took place, be held accountable and face appropriate punishment,” he said.