Southern Kaduna: Katung condemns terrorists attack on Kamanton community

The Senator representing Kaduna South Senatorial Zone, Sunday Marshall Katung, has condemned attack on Kamantan community in Zangon Kataf Local Government Area of the state.

The Senator stated this Saturday in a press statement made available to newsmen.
He said, “My attention was drawn to an attack in Fadan Kamanton, a community in Zangon Kataf Local Government Area of Kaduna state. Information suggest that the attack was carried out by a terrorist group on thursday evening.
” They invaded the residence of the Catholic Priest, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Okolo and set the entire Rectory ablaze burning to death a Seminarian, Na’aman Ngofe Danladi who is completing his training into the Catholic Priesthood.
“I unequivocally condemn this horrific terrorist attack that claimed the live of our young Seminarian.”

The Senator stressed that terrorism and violence against innocent citizens should never be justified nor be a part of our daily happening, noting that such a cowardly and callous attack on our communities must not be allowed to continue.

He said his thoughts are with the victims’ families, friends, and the entire catholic community in Kaduna South Senatorial District and the entire state, adding he stands with the people of Fadan Kamanton, Kurama community and the Catholic diocese at this tragic and difficult time.

According to him, the resurgence of terrorism on the Kaduna-Kachia Road by bandits is a direct affront on the federal government and in particular the security agencies, urging them to take the fight to the bandits and kidnappers.

He appealed to the security agencies to carry out a one-month intensive operation on the forest around Southern Kaduna to degrade the bandits and kidnappers, saying, “Anybody found to be aiding and abetting criminality shouldn’t be spared.”