Society in fragments because there’s no love – Irefin

Professor David Irefin is the ordained Christ Shepherd in the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. In this interview with select journalists in Lokoja, the Kogi state capital, he said love rules in all situations.

What is the meaning of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star?

There are many misconceptions about the true meaning of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. It is for this reason that the founder and sole spiritual head of the universe, Leader Olumber Olumber Obu, decided to reveal the meaning to humanity. It means God, Christ and the angels. It also means the people of the world, fishes in the water, trees in the forest, grasses that grow in the fields, the ground on which we walk. It means the sky, wind, moon, sun, the stars, worms, ants, birds, every four-footed animal and creeping things. In short, Brotherhood means everything created by God. Brotherhood means oneness. God and everything created by Him put together is Brotherhood. It is God who owns rules and leads it, but Christ takes charge. Angels are servants in the Brotherhood. The people are workers in the Brotherhood. 

Why is it that people do not really know what Brotherhood means?

It is because it is not given to them to understand. It is not a society or a cult, but the spirit of love. Everybody is a Brotherhood. To those who want to know its origin, we say the Brotherhood has no origin and no end, but simply founded by Christ, not angels or men. It is truth, good manners, mercy and patience. It is devoid of division.

What is Cross?

Without the Cross, the world could not have been saved. The Cross, therefore, means bearing another man’s burden without complaining and tolerating all kinds of sinners. To be able to carry the Cross, you must resign yourself completely to God, must be loving, humble, patient, forgiving, see others better than yourself, not be envious. If Jesus did not possess these qualities, He could not have carried the Cross. 

Tell us about the Star and the Great Light?

You have been reading in the Scripture about a secret name. That name is the Star and the Star is Christ. The Star is the glory and revelation of God. The Star indicates the reign and glory of Christ, the brightness of God and the power of His reign. It is the peace of the Almighty God that governs the universe. There is no other monarch other than Christ, The Star. Right from His birth, the great light has been shining over Him. It is the only light that shines the whole world over. To be worthy children of the Kingdom of God, we must be of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. 

What is the mission of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu on this earth?

The mission of Leader Olumba Olumba Obu is to lead the whole world to the accurate knowledge of truth. The work that He has come to do on earth is so great and significant that no one has ever done such work before. Part of His teaching is that you must not beat your wife, not count sin for anyone, not judge any person or commit any act of sin. Also, each man has to have only one wife, nobody should consult an oracle and must not inject any black power or rub any concoctions on the body,  not believe in ghosts, mermaids, witchcraft or any evil forces. The reason the whole world is looking for Our Lord Jesus Christ is that He may come and change our vile body from mortality to immortality.  That is to say you must refrain completely from all manner of vices.

What is love?

I want to reveal the meaning of love to the whole world. Love does not consist of clothes, food, human beings or anything. God is love; our Lord Jesus Christ is love; the Holy Spirit is love. That is why it is said that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are one. The real meaning of love is oneness towards everyone whether a child, an old fellow, white man or black man.

What are the causes of the world’s problems?

The cause of the troubles and problems in the world is the simple fact that there is no love. Do what you may in the world, if you do not have love, you cannot achieve anything and there will never be any peace. If you have love, you will not kill, steal and disgrace, abuse or curse anyone. Our Lord Jesus Christ did not establish or erect any church building, but established love. He said we should love one another as He has loved us. All of us are children of God, including a thief even though he is a wanted person. There is no Satan but the spirit of error. When we steal, we say it is Satan, this is not true. The problem is that we have no love. If you therefore love one another, it means that you love Him and have obeyed His commandments, and He in turn will love you and His Father will love you and He will reveal Himself to you. Stop asking where you can find God, just obey Him and love one another and He will come unto you and you will see Him.

What are the consequences of lack of love?

All those who have no love remain in death till now and death is waiting at their door steps. The Scripture says we have moved from death unto life because we love the brethren, but any person who has no love, remains in death (1 John 3:14). From January to December every year, I preach nothing to you but love because love is the central theme of all preaching and if you do not have love, it means that you are worth nothing in the world.

How can people emulate the Lord Jesus Christ?

If you buy a car for Christ, He won’t ride in it; if you build a mansion for Him, He won’t live in it, but if you love one another, Our Lord Jesus Christ will love you, His Father will love you and will reveal Himself to you. The time is short and you must practice love. Our Lord Jesus Christ did not only preach love but demonstrated it in practical terms and we should do exactly as He has done because we are all debtors. He has told us, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in Heaven; for He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and unjust.” It is only Jehovah God and His Christ who is in existence and who is all in all. We have to emulate Him. If He had not come, we would be excused, but since He has come and taught us and shown us love, we must practice it. We must love one another as He has loved us.

You should realise that each and every one of you is a church and if you count the number of human beings in the world, so is the number of churches. No person can establish a church; only God can and He created Adam as a church and went inside and lived in him. You say, for instance, “I am Catholic, Apostolic, Lutheran, Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim. Does it mean you are not a child of God? Our Lord Jesus Christ says, “Love one another as I have loved you.” He has not said we should love only our kind, that is, only people of our race or denomination or tribe; He has not said we should love only those who love us. He says we should not discriminate or hate, but that we should love all human beings and all creations and regard every person as ourselves.

What is your advice to the entire world?

His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu says 2025 is a year of purity and righteousness. This year will not tolerate oppression, cheating, corrupt practices, discrimination and most importantly neglect of the poor and masses. The Holy Spirit says all those holding political offices at all levels are put there by the Father God as his representatives. His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu has said that rulers must be compassionate and rule the people in love; that their decisions and actions must not negatively affect the poor, the destitute, the needy and displaced people. This is because He says this year; He will hear the cry of the poor and needy. This is a reminder to all rulers who will stand before God and give account for their actions.