So the envelope is still brown?

I felt ashamed when I watched a video that went viral of a former Nigerian Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani Kayode, insulting a Daily Trust correspondent in Cross River state, Eyo Charles, during a press conference that held in Calabar, the state capital, for asking him a simple question about who was bankrolling his trips to the South-south zone and other parts of the country.
And as for me,  Mr. Kayode’s embarking on assessment of projects in some states, without exposing under which platform he is doing so, it is something complicit and it is proper for the media to hold him to account for his actions and decisions.

But what annoyed me most was the fact that some of his colleagues (journalists) were begging Fani-Kayode to be patient and also blaming Charles by saying “you see your life” and as well the former minister and his cohorts asked them to wait behind. 
This will really divert the viewers’ attention to think that the journalists have waited for the brown envelope as he already alleged that some of them demanded for it.
My thought was, as a former spokesman to a president of a country and a former minister aside other important public offices, Fani-Kayode should be seen as one that is a diplomat and statesman. But unfortunately, Chief Femi rained terrible abuses on the journalist, calling him unprintable names; that he was sponsored to go and ask and insult him.

“How dare you ask me such a very stupid question!  I know that you, a hungry-looking, brown envelop journalist, you are sponsored to ask me such insulting question. You can look into my eyes and ask me such demeaning question! I cannot take that!
“I am a very rich lawyer who has been in government; who has been detained many times by governments. I have a very rich background. How can you ask who is bankrolling my tours of the states. It is very insulting, and I cannot take that. You are very stupid. I know your publishers, I will call them in the next few minutes. You have to be fired. I cannot answer any more questions from you or from any other reporter. This conference has ended. I have very short temper…..”, he said. 

However, my questions here are; does that mean the envelope is still brown? Do the journalists normally ask the former minister for brown envelope and that is why he said the journalist is looking for a brown envelope? Is the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) ready to take legal action against the former minister for the allegation he made on journalists for collecting brown envelopes? Does this not go to blackmail journalists’ reputation in the face of the world? Are the threats he made not going to give room to other people to continue threatening journalists in Nigeria?
Though, the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) has already issued a statement on the matter and condemned the barbaric act made by the former minister, which is remarkable. But more actions need to be taken against Fani-Kayode in order to avoid future occurrence.

Let me categorically state that I commend Eyo Charles for expressing his maturity and professionalism in handling Chief Femi Fani-Kayode’s ungodly act during the scenario despite the fact that many working journalists are waiting patiently for Fani-Kayode to ask him related questions in line with his action.

It’s hoped that the media organisations will improve the welfare package and provide adequate orientation for journalists so that they will desist from collecting brown envelopes as claimed by the former minister so that their reputation will not be tarnished and their integrity will be maintained.
Gulani writes from Information Unit, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Borno state