Seplat Energy organises training on data, investigative journalism

Seplat Energy Plc has concluded the first phase of its training programme for journalists and media practitioners in Nigeria.

The first phase of the programme covers thirty-seven (37) energy and judiciary correspondents cum editors.

The Seplat Energy media training programme, which was organised in partnership with Channels Academy, is targeted at building reporting and editing capacity in the media whilst driving innovation and technology progress in the profession.

Beyond core energy and judiciary reporting, the trainees were exposed to the intersections of law and energy, referencing regulatory frameworks, major legal cases, environmental laws, ethical considerations, and media objectivity.

In addition, modules on investigative reporting (techniques, advanced research methods, using public records, interviewing techniques); data Journalism in judicial and energy reporting; analysis of energy sector developments; and collaborative reporting projects with story ideas development, were explored.

Insights on legal challenges in energy reporting (understanding defamation, libel, navigating legal challenges) and the future of energy and law with regards to emerging trends, were provided as the training evaluated future legal challenges and the need to prepare for industry shifts.

In attendance at the training were media professionals from print, electronic and online platforms.

Commenting on the training, the Director, External Affairs and Social Performance, Seplat Energy, Mrs. Chioma Afe, thanked the media professionals, resource persons and Channels Academy for their commitments to the success of the training programme.

Mrs. Afe, who was represented by the Manager, Corporate Communications at Seplat Energy, Mr. Stanley Opara, re-echoed Seplat Energy’s commitment to building capacity in the media and promoting best practice in the industry.

Responding, the media professionals under the aegis of the Association of Energy Correspondents of Nigeria (NAEC) and the National Association of Judicial Correspondents (NAJUC), thanked Seplat Energy for providing the training opportunity and driving excellence in the media space.