SARS: Panel summons 3 cops over deceased who jumped off moving vehicle

The Independent Investigative Panel on human rights violations by the defunct Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) Tuesday insisted that three policemen who took Ovoke Godwin Onomrerhino (now deceased) out for investigation before he jumped off a moving police vehicle should appear to enable the panel unravel the circumstances that led to the death of the victim.

The Investigating Police Officer (IPO), Inspector Kambari Tambari had on 3rd of December, 2020 testified before the 11-member panel chaired by Justice Suleiman Galadima (rtd) that he sat on the front seat while the three policemen namely; Sergeants Musa Sunday, Lucky Kehinde and Lucky Okuku, sat at the open portion of the van with Ovoke, whom he said suddenly jumped off the vehicle and got injured in the process.

Joined in the petition are CSP Isah Hassan (DPO Abraka), Mr Odiri Emeni (Head of Igu Vigilante), Igu Vigilante, Ethiope East local government, Delta state, Commissioner of Police, Delta state and the Inspector General of Police.

When the matter was called up Tuesday, counsel to the complaints, OJ Okoroze-Egbo, reminded the panel that it made an order on the 3rd of December, 2020 compelling the police to ensure the appearance of the said police personnel who were sitting together with Ovoke in the same vehicle the day he allegedly jumped off the vehicle.

She therefore said that police ought to have ensured the appearance of the affected officers before the panel so that the matter would proceed as expected.

It will be recalled that the first respondent, CSP Hassan informed the panel that the late Ovoke Godwin was arrested on June 29, 2019 by the Igun vigilante following his alleged involvement in an armed robbery incident on the Eku-Igun highway.

He said the victim took policemen to where his gang kept their operation weapons used in the robbery operation, adding that as they were returning to the station he jumped off a moving police vehicle and got injured.

He said that he later learnt Ovoke confessed and wanted to take the police to where their operational weapons used for the robbery on Igun road and that the police eventually recovered two guns and some cartridges.

The matter was adjourned to 14th of March, 2021 for the police to produce the aforementioned policemen for cross examination.