Saraki, impeachment plot and politics of majority

have left us to try to explain to them and of course give them the comfort the APC is the party to work with because we have a President who has been focussed, who have done so much with so little resources in Nigeria, who is busy providing infrastructure in this country.” The APC spokesperson also said that though the Party leaders have worked hard to stave off this situation as responsible Party leaders would do, it appeared that the individuals involved have different considerations beyond the grievances. And that they were willing to discuss and address the grievances of their former members. Buhari on party effort to stop defections A sober President Buhari on Tuesday wished all the lawmakers, who defected the “best in their future undertakings” saying that the party has done its best to stop the defections, and “I must commend the party leadership for working tirelessly to unite the party and position it for future victory. I am confident that no harm or injury will be done by these defections, to the APC and its aspirations. “As the saying goes, all politics is local. We understand that some of the Distinguished and Honourable lawmakers have issues in/with their home states, especially on zoning which bars some of them from seeking another term in their constituencies. Let me also note that none of the defecting federal lawmakers has any specific grievances against me or the government I lead; neither do I harbour any ill-feeling towards any of them. I fully respect their freedom to choose what party to associate with.” Reasons for defection It would be recalled that the plot for the defection had started a long time with the strange relationship between the executive and the legislature. Senate president, Bukola Saraki and his deputy have been hounded by the agents of the government since the inauguration of the eight assembly. Similarly, the speaker of the House, Yakubu Dogara has also not being in the good book of the government and these enmity has been sustained ever since hence it was obvious that the synergies needed for effective governance may never be achieved. While Saraki faced multiple charges bordering on non declaration of assets and recently, robbery conspiracy, his deputy, Ekweremmadu is facing money laundering charges. Efforts to prevent them from chairing the Senate on Tuesday failed as Saraki beat the heavy security mounted at his residence. They were both to appear before the security agencies on the morning they were meant to supervise the defection. Calls to dismiss Saraki from party The APC Deputy National Publicity Secretary, Hon. Yekini Nabena meanwhile called for the dismissal of Saraki from the party for anti-party activities, “Being the ringleader, therefore, there is no justification for APC’s continued toleration of Saraki. He must go now. Or be shown the way out.” He said the APC leadership was not surprised by the defections, which it called the culmination of the “deserters’” anti-party activities. It said what shocked observers was Saraki’s utterances and body language, which revealed unconcealed cooperation with the defectors. Meanwhile, former Vice President, Atiku Abubarkar in a statement said, “the news of the sieges on the residences of Saraki, and his Deputy, Ekweremadu, is both troubling and unsettling. No democratic nation ought to treat the leadership of its Parliament like common criminals in the course of a political disagreement.” PDP spokesperson, Kola Ologbondiyan, while condemning the siege said, “We want to Nigerians to note the resort to intimidation by this government and we urge all democrats all over the world to condemn this act by the APC and President Buhari. This morning too, the Federal Government in conjunction with with an expelled member of our party, Senator Buruji Kashamu started procuring warrant of arrest on the leadership of the PDP. As we speak, we are aware that a warrant has been procured from a compromised judicial officer to arrest the leadership of the PDP.” But while Nigerians were yet to comprehend the Tuesday incidence, Governor Ortom of Benue state dropped his defection bomb in a most brutal way on the day he was billed to meet party leaders and President Buhari in Abuja. The governor was prevailed by his supporters to quit APC or risk losing the election. It wasn’t a difficult decision for the governor who had been on the receiving ends due to the incessant Farmers/ herdsmen clashes in the state. Several hundreds have lost their lives and the people believe that the Federal government has not done much to forestall the crisis. PDP Said the return of the Governor to PDP confirms the fact that President Buhari’s ledadministration and APC do not have the welfare of Nigerians at heart, as they have continually offer flimsy excuses over the mindless killings that have caused untold sorrows across the country, particularly, Benue State. While hailing the Governor for standing firm by the people of Benue State and refusing to mortgage their welfare, the party also recalled how the Buhari administration, would rather plead for the accommodation of persons whom have been repeatedly fingered as being responsible for heinous killings in the Benue valley rather than take decisive and concrete actions to preserve lives of Nigerians. Meanwhile, the APC said Ortom’s defection was “somewhat surprising” even as it recalled the efforts its leadership made to address some of the grievances raised by the Governor pertaining to the local politics in Benue State. “The Party reiterates its earlier position that it respects the rights of every citizen to chose their political affiliation but expresses hope that those who have left the Party will rescind their decisions. Even with this development, we don’t think it is too late for reconciliation. We have to continue to talk. As long as people keep their minds open and have the courage to put the real issues on the table, reconciliation is still possible.” The gale of defection has continued in the states like Sokoto, Kano, Kwara, Bauchi, Kogi and Benue states amongst others with virtually most of the state legislators and local government chairmen moving chairs to the PDP. In a chat with Blueprint, Alhaji Musa Bello, a member of APC Board of Trustees, said that though those defecting cannot be said to be people without value and cannot be dismissed but he however insists that many of them have lost out in game of local politics and their defection was a way of reviving their career through another party. He said, “some of them are having one issues with their governors and the local stakeholders and the possibility is that their continuous stay with APC will automatically means that they will not contest 2019 election. Do you earnestly expect a politician who has given the stakeholders problems or have fought the governor to easily pick the ticket. Do you think for instance in Kogi, that APC will give Dino the ticket again, or Hunkuyi in Kaduna. Like I said, politics is local and every smart politician knows when to move on.” On how to check further defection, Oshiomhole and the Majority Leader, House of Representatives Femi Gbajabiamila ruled out automatic ticket as the solution. Gbajabiamila who led leaders and caucus members of the party to a courtesy call on Oshiohmole on Thursday said, the word automatic itself kills the party because the party is for everybody, hence automatic ticket is not ideal. National Chairman thinks said the party under him will not succumb to offering automatic tickets particularly to legislators as a bait to retain them even when they are not performing to the expectations of their constituents. He said APC under him is being run as an ideological party which believes more in development, rather than serving as a mere platform for winning elections as those people who left the party think. As it stands, it is believed that gale of defections in and out of the major parties, the APC and PDP will not stop even after the primaries unless the leadership of the two parties reache out fast and on time.