Sanwo-Olu: 100 days of governance with populist touch  

ADEWALE AJAYI  writes on the quick ones by Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu in his first 100 days of his second term.

As Lagos state Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu celebrates  his one hundred days of his second term in office, it is a time to have a reflection of what he has been able to accomplish for the first three months and some days he has been in office.

Though, he is yet to constitute members of his cabinet, but he never allowed that to slow him down as  he moves on as one in a hurry to accomplish the goals set for his administration.


On his resumption of office, the governor showed his populist approach to governance when he tackled headlong the first major challenge that confronted his administration following the sudden fuel subsidy removal by the federal government. He saw the need to ameliorate the burden confronting the people of the state who were saddled with high cost of transportation following the fuel subsidy removal by the federal government.

An undaunted Sanwo-Olu decided to reduce transport fares of state-owned buses (LAMATA) by 50 percent, and appealed to privately owned commercial buses  to also cut down their fares   by 25 percent. Similarly, the state government procured additional buses to convey government officials to their office.

Notably, the governor, last Monday, flagged off the  blue line rail  train for commercial transportation as part of efforts by his administration to ease transportation within the state.

He assured people of the state that  the Red Line Rail, which the governor puts at 96 per cent,  would soon be completed and also put to use.

Palliatives, civil servants morale, health

In order to ease the burden of the less privileged, the governor also commenced the distribution of food items to the  vulnerable families, just as pregnant women patronizing state-owned hospitals were given  free treatment for pre-delivery and ante-natal treatment. Those that went through caesarian operation were also treated free.

Sanwo-Olu is also committed to boosting the morale of the state’s  civil servants, an example he demonstrated  at the Year 2023 Lagos State Public Service Week, where  10  civil servants that did creditably  well were appreciated.

In the contest, five junior officers, including a cleaner, were given N5 million each to appreciate them for their excellent performance. Five other winners in the senior category went home with a brand new Geely Mikano saloon car.

In the health sector, the governor also ensured health facilities are brought closer to the people, through the creation of additional four health care delivery system.

Sanwo-Olu said the expansion of administrative districts in the health sector was part of the reforms initiated by his administration to reposition health services in Lagos and ensure  no one is left behind.

He stressed the need for  major health institutions in the state to be administered by practising professionals within the cadre of doctors working in them. 

The health sector reform, the governor stressed, was similar to the unbundling of the state’s education system where practising teachers have been given opportunity to be elevated and appointed as Tutors-General across education districts.

He said establishment of new health districts would improve quality of service and give more health coverage to the residents. 

Sanwo-Olu prided Lagos health professionals as the best in the country, noting that the new medical position would improve personnel’s administrative responsibilities and offer them better platforms to excel.


As a way of improving the economy of the state, Governor Sanwo-Olu  received the management of Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) and KAOUN International Dubai led by Ms. Trixie Loh Yi Shan LohMirmand during a courtesy visit at the Lagos House, Marina. 

The meeting was a follow-up on a proposed partnership on technology exchange being developed by the Lagos State Government and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)-based international exhibition firms.

Last June, Governor Sanwo-Olu attended the Gulf Information Technology Exchange (GITEX) – Africa’s largest technology conference held in Morocco – which was organised by DWTC and KAOUN International Dubai. Before a global audience, the governor shared the story of Lagos’ technological advancement, while reassuring investors of the state’s willingness to pursue Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into the local technology ecosystem.

Sanwo-Olu noted that Lagos remains an important technology hub in Africa, adding  that the state was ready to work with the firms to host global technology exhibition.

This, he said, would raise the growth potential for start-ups and entrepreneurs operating in the local technology ecosystem.

The governor is also committed to improving the security of the state by reaching out to the various security outfits in the state, hence the reason, some believe the state is a bit more secure than others in the country.

With the pace of work in just 100 days, watchers of events in Lagos believe that if the tempo of  development in just 100 days is sustained, then there are better days head for residents and major stakeholders in the nation’s commercial hub.