Sallah: Mutfwang urges Muslims on prayers, peace

Governor Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau state has urged the Muslim community in the state to devote their time to reflect deeply on the virtues of love, peace, charity, tolerance, and commitment to peaceful co-existence, as they celebrate Eid-el-Kabir, festivities.

In a statement Sunday, signed by his spokesmen, Gyang Bere, Governor Mutfwang, also joined other other well-wishers around the world to celebrate the 2024 Eid-el-Kabir with the Muslim Ummah in Plateau state and beyond.

According to the statement, Governor Mutfwang congratulated the Muslim community on the significant milestone and urged them to devote time to reflect deeply on the virtues of love, peace, charity, tolerance, and commitment to peaceful co-existence in Plateau and Nigeria.

“I heartily rejoice with the Muslim Ummah on this unique occasion which reminds us of the virtues of sacrifice and total submission to the will of God Almighty.

“As we celebrate this event, I encourage all of us to devote time to reflect on the values of love, charity, and selflessness and walk towards building a more united and peaceful Plateau State,” he said.

He urged Muslims to use the opportunity to invoke God’s blessings on Nigerian leaders as they strive to provide the qualitative leadership desired by citizens.

Mutfwang reiterated his administration’s commitment to guide, guard, and protect all citizens, and cater for their welfare.

He also advised the beneficiaries of his administration’s sponsored 2024 Hajj pilgrims to pray for the peace and unity of Plateau and the country, urging them to be good ambassadors of the state and to anticipate a safe return.

Gov Mutfwang further urged citizens to abide by the law and respect government policies aimed at restructuring the state to create a conducive business atmosphere for citizens to pursue their dreams without hindrance.

He reassured citizens of his administration’s commitment to addressing the current hardships, particularly those faced by the masses, and assured them of his dedication to securing lives and property.