Sallah: Emir of Potiskum states values of sacrifice, unity 

The Emir of Potiskum, Alhaji Umaru Bubaram Ibn Wuriwa Bauya, Sunday led Eid El Kabir prayers to commemorate the start of the Eid- el-Kabir festival. 

The prayers took place at the Emir’s palace, Eid ground, gathering thousands of worshippers in observance of this important Islamic celebration.

Addressing the gathering, the royal father stated the values of sacrifice, unity and charity that Eid-el-Kabir represents, urging the community to reflect on these principles in their daily lives. 

The festival also known as the Feast of Sacrifice is marked by the act of Ibadat, symbolising Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son in obedience to Almighty Allah.

The Eid-el-Kabir congregation prayer was attended by notable dignitaries and it received widespread participation, highlighting the significance of the Eid-el-Kabir in the region.