Saleh emerges NUP first-ever secretary

In a landmark move, the National Unity Pathfinders (NUP) has announced the emergence of Engineer Saleh Alhassan as its pioneer national secretary, a significant milestone in the organisation’s quest to promote national unity and harmony.

Engr. Saleh, a visionary leader and seasoned professional, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the role, having served as a COREN registered engineer and certified management consultant. His comprehensive approach to fostering national cohesion is expected to inspire and mobilise Nigerians to rise above the nation’s challenges, working towards a shared vision of progress, stability, and prosperity.

Alongside National Coordinator Ambassador Obinna Sixtus Nwoke, Engr. Saleh is poised to lead the healing process in Nigeria, bridging gaps and fostering understanding among citizens. Under his leadership, the National Unity Pathfinders is set to make a meaningful impact on the nation’s journey towards unity, building a cohesive national identity that celebrates diversity and promotes inclusivity.

With Engr. Saleh at the helm of affairs in the secretariat, the organisation is poised for greatness, ready to tackle the challenges facing the nation and create a brighter future for all Nigerians.

This responsibility comes at a critical time in Nigeria’s history, as the nation faces pressing challenges that demand collective action.

Engr. Saleh’s leadership and vision are expected to inspire a new era of national cohesion, progress, and stability