RMRDC awards secondary schools with cash, material items, at quiz competition

In the pursuit to encourage youngsters develop in the area of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), the Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC), has supported some winning schools from the just concluded annual raw materials quiz competition for secondary schools in Nigeria, as part of the Council’s CATCH-THEM-YOUNG programme with millions of naira, certificates, medals, plaques and gift items for all participating schools. BINTA SHAMA reports.

Benefit of technology

Study has proven Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) as the major key driver to economic growth of either a developing or developed country, regions and cities. Technically, technological progress is said to also allow more efficient production of more and better goods and services, which is what prosperity depends on.

The present administration, has always wanted the nation to look inwards by embracing STI thus, withdrawing from the resource to knowledge base, and in support of this, the RMRDC, has taken measures to see such initiative come to play by mentoring, tutoring and encouraging the young ones to embrace science subjects without fear. However, become inventors of what the nation may consume and export in the nearest future.

DGs’ remarks

Speaking the Director-General RMRDC Professor Hussain Doko Ibrahim, who was represented by the Director Information and Communication Department RMRDC Egnr. Emmanuel Kwaya, said that the objective of the initiative, is to instil in youths the desire to carry science, technology and innovation (STI) and to propel Nigeria in the committee of nations that have gone far in the area of research.

“The earlier we start utilizing what we have on ground as a nation, the better the economy will become. There’s so much wealth the nation is endowed with and it’s our hope that our young people will imbibe STI and add value to the nation and move Nigeria’s resources to the next level of developed nation and no longer a developing one.”

He urged all participants to look beyond the event by using their God’s given talent to add more value to Nigeria’s natural resources. Adding that, all participants should cease the opportunity of networking for a lifetime, thus, exchange ideas and bring it to limelight, making the nation proud.

Also speaking, the representative of the Director FCT Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI), Education Secretariat Mr. Olobashola Kolawole, the Director Admin Rakiya Mohammad Ibrahim, expressed his notion that, the competition has not only exposed the students to the various raw materials derived in Nigeria but has also arouse the interest of the young people on the development and utilization of the nation’s local materials.

Views of participating students

Speaking in an interview respectively, to participating students of the quiz competition, Suleiman Ahamad Isa of the Government College (Special School) Toro, in Bauchi state who can 1st runner up, that his participation in the competition has given him the opportunity to mingle, share ideas as well build on his knowledge and confidence. “The tour to the RMRDC resource center has helped me to identify the different kinds of minerals we have in Nigeria and their importance.”

Speaking, Uho Chimobi David of the Federal Government College Okposi, Ebonyi State, the 2nd runner up school said the initiative has given him privileges to gain more experiences and knowledge to identify mineral resources around.

According to the 3rd runner up participating school Dominion Science Academy Owo, Ondo, Ademulegun Maria that the quiz, has exposed them to Nigeria’s raw materials, showing that if the nation could invest in the sector, then Nigeria will become more developed. “It has exposed young Nigerian youths like us to show that we can contribute our own quota to the development of the economy.”

Chairman’s remarks

In his remarks, the Chairman Coordinating Committee of the Quiz Competition Dr. James Baba said the schools and students were carefully selected for the programmeq. Adding that, these ones would make the nation proud competing with other pupils across the shores of Nigeria and that no school would return empty handed.

The 1st runner up was awarded a million naira, 2nd runner up, five hundred thousand naira and 3rd runner up three hundred thousand naira respectively.

The annual school raw materials quiz competition, is said to be the 5th edition on a roll.