RMAFC chairman Shehu commends outgoing federal commissioners

The chairman of Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission (RMAFC), Muhammed Bello Shehu, has commended the outgoing members for their patriotism and commitment to nation-building through their effort to ensure that the commission is brought to a world class standard.

Shehu stated this during the valedictory plenary organised in honour of the 20 outgoing members of the commission whose tenure expired on 26th June, 2024.

In a release by the director, Press and Public Relations of the commission, Mrs. Maryam Umar Yusuf, Thursday, the chairman said said it has been his wish to reposition the commission to become a world class revenue mobilisation commission.

He recalled the extraordinary support rendered to the commission through their contribution to the various committees they served in, despite the fact that RMAFC as an organisation is poorly funded.

He prayed to God to reward them for their sacrifices and wishes that they would be reappointed so they could continue to support the commission.

Outgoing members eulogised the chairman for the achievements recorded under his stewardship.