Result of conference depends on executive, legislative arms – Yadudu

A delegate representing North-west, Prof. Auwalu Yadudu, has said that the success of the national conference largely depends on the executive and the legislative arms of government.
Prof. Yadudu argued that if the two arms of government did not want the resolutions of the conference to materialize into a constitution it would remain so like the 2005.

He however said he was pessimistic about the outcome of the conference noting that delegates were well prepared to give their best.
On arriving at consensus in major decisions, he stated that the conference would achieve consensus through voting and noted that 75 percent majority would be the required number.

On what he brought to the conference as a member of the North west delegation, Prof Yadudu said his caucus was still preparing their position to be made available at a later date.
He noted delegates were warming up noting that the leadership was still trying to stamp its feet on the conference hoping that the conference would pick up as it proceeds.
He noted that people with agitations would voice them out as time went on.