Rededicate yourselves to nation-building, NYSC DG urges corps members 

The Director General of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Brigadier General YD Ahmed has urged corps members and staff of the Service to rededicate themselves to the efforts to build the nation for enhanced unity and progress.

The NYSC DG made the call in his New Year message issued to newsmen Monday in Abuja.

“As we offer thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness and mercies, let us endeavour to be a reflection of His goodness in our society and embrace harmonious and peaceful coexistence,’ he said in the message he personally endorsed.

“I commend you all most sincerely for what we achieved collectively in the past year which was made possible by your unflinching commitment to the pursuit of the noble objectives of the NYSC. It is my belief that we will demonstrate greater zeal and dedication in discharging our responsibilities this year,” he stated.

Continuing, he said: “For us to build a country of our dreams which all of us can be proud of, I enjoin you to be more patriotic and rededicate ourselves to the ideals of nation-building.

“I particularly urge my dear Corps Members to sustain peaceful and harmonious coexistence with people of your host communities and shun acts that can tarnish the image of our country, NYSC Scheme and your families. 

“I urge you to remain diligent in our assigned duties and continue to work assiduously for the progress and success of the Scheme.  I implore you to sustain exemplary good work ethics and strive to uphold the integrity of the Scheme at all times.”

He noted that management, on its part, would continue to pursue and implement policies and programmes with direct and positive impact on the welfare of staff and corps members.