Ramadan: Islamic foundation, service chiefs harp on religious rites, national security

 The Chairman and Founder of Ashraaf Islamic Foundation, Dr. Sharafudeen Aliagan, and the service chiefs have on Muslims to always balance religious rites, public safety and national security.

A statement issued by the foundation on Wednesday stated that they made the call last Saturday at the 7th Annual Ramadan Lecture and Prayers for the Nation in Abuja organized by the foundation.

The Lecture was themed: ‘’Balancing Religious Rites and Public Safety: The Intersection of Ramadan, Hajj and National Security’’

Aliagan said public safety and national security are very important among Nigerians, and urged Nigerians to always be conscious of it.

He said: “So, we believe that in trying to observe the religious rites, we should be conscious of public safety and national security. Islam has five pillars as parts of the region’s rites; strong belief in the oneness of Allah, belief in the messengers of Allah, Zakat, Fasting in the month of Ramadan and Hajj.

“In observing Ramadan and fasting, we are to be conscious of public safety and national security. A fasting Muslim would not think of perpetrating evil. He or she would be conscious of Allah along the spirit of Ramadan as a Holy Month, and it is worthy to also note that the Holy Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan.

“So all these will inform the consciousness of a fasting Muslim that Public safety and national security are very important and without them, we can’t have anything moving as far as the country is concerned.

Also speaking, the Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Musa, who was represented by the Director of Support Services at the Defence Headquarters, Major-General Olatunji Bello, urged Muslims to pray for the country regarding the issue of insecurity.

 “Let me correct a misconception; insecurity has always been in Nigeria and everywhere in the world. The only issue here is the social media that amplifies everything. The armed forces in the country have been doing a lot to deal with insecurity. We work assiduously with traditional rulers and others all over the country to ensure that everyone in this country is safe.

“We keep the nation safe, especially in the spirit of Ramadan. We want all Muslims to know that, in this period, we are redoubling our efforts to ensure that there is absolute security and peace in the land,” Musa assured.

Also, the Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar, who was represented by the Director of Islamic Affairs at the Nigerian Air Force Headquarters, Air Commodore Lawal Lukman, said the Nigerian Air Force was not only concerned about how to drop bombs and missiles but also the spiritual well-being of its officers and the members of their families.

In his address at the event, the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla, who was represented by the Director of Policy at the Naval Headquarters, Rear Admiral Malami Haruna, said the theme of the lecture was vital for discussion, explaining that it would find a permanent balance between religious organisations and ensuring public safety and national security.