Ramadan: Cleric tasks Muslims on alms giving

By Chizoba Ogbeche

A Islamic cleric, Sheikh Muhammed Kabiru, has tasked Muslim faithful on alms giving, especially during the period of Ramadan.
He gave the charge during the recitation of the Qur’an and graduation ceremony of three children of the minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Senator Bala Mohammed, yesterday, at his official residence in Life Camp, Abuja.
Kabiru, who said Ramadan was a period of mercy, urged Muslim faithful to feed the less privileged, even as he urged them to cultivate the habit of saving money specifically for giving alms during Ramadan in order to obtain the mercies that come with the period.
While congratulating the graduands: Hauwa Ummita, Fatima Zarah, Aisha Bala Abubakar; the cleric tasked them to go beyond memorising the Qu’ran by living according to the teaching.
Delivering a talk on morals and peace, Sheikh Nura khalid, decried the level of moral decadence in the society, pointing out that the situation has been made worse by the increasing numbers of broken homes.
He tasked parents to their children properly so they will turn out decent and contribute meaningfully to the society, even as he commended the minister for devoting time to give his children good moral upbringing.
Speaking to journalists, wife of the minister, Aisha Bala Mohammed, also tasked parents, especially mothers, to always devote time to give their children moral and spiritual education.