Police probe varsity student’s murder in Sokoto

Three weeks after the alleged murder of a student, Abdullahi Abbati, the Sokoto State Police Command has said it would fully investigate the case and bring those responsible to justice.
The family of the deceased had complained that the police failed to respond to its petition weeks after it was filed, as none of those suspected to have attacked and killed the student was even invited for questioning.
The family also said officials of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in Sokoto have not shown enough commitment to pursue the case.
However, the Commissioner of Police in the state, Mr Murtala Mani, told newsmen on Friday that investigation has commenced and assured the family that justice would be done.
Mani confirmed that the police had received a complaint from the deceased family and assured that thorough investigation would be made.
The CP, who spoke through the Command’s Public Relations Officer, DSP Cordelia Nwawe, also assured to brief the press on the outcome, stressing that the command would continue to live up to its responsibilities of safeguarding lives and property.
Also, the NHRC state Coordinator, Mr.
Hamza Liman, confirmed receipt of the petition, saying he had met with the Police Commissioner three times on the matter.
Liman said the Commissioner had assured him that action would be taken on the matter as he had directed the Gwuiwa Divisional Police Officer where the incident took place for details on the issue.
The Coordinator assured the family that the NHRC would continue to push for proper investigation and action against the suspects.
The deceased was a 200 Level Diploma student of Health Information at Usmanu Danfodio University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH) Sokoto.
In the petition by the family signed by the deceased uncle, Abdulrashid Yusuf, the corpse of Abbati was on Aug.
26, found on the roadside at Gwiwa Low-Cost Housing in Sokoto metropolis.
The complainant said based on information gathered, the police transported the corpse to UDUTH morgue before it was later released and buried at Tudun Wada graveyard.
According to the petition, which was also copied to the Department of State Service, National Human Right Commission, Sokoto State Attorney General and Gwiwa Divisional Police Officer, late Abbati, 25, was a 200 level diploma student of Health Information and Management.
In the letter of complaint, Yusuf further stated that he was informed that late Abbati was beaten with a pestle by one Kasimu Sifawa.
“After then, the attention of a Vigilante member popularly called “Oho Dai’’ was drawn along with others that descended on the student with machetes and hacked him gruesomely to death’’, he added in the petition.
He stressed that late Abbati was a citizen of Nigeria and entitled to enjoy the right to life as enshrined in the United Nations charter which Nigeria is a signatory.
The complainant averred that no individual has the right to take the right of another individual through barbaric, uncivilized and unconstitutional means as law enforcement agents were available to execute their stipulated mandates.
Yusuf prayed for justice and described the incident as unfair and a gross act of injustice, stressing that if nothing is done more people could fall victim to the same jungle justice.