Police probe attack on secretary to Kogi gov’ship election petition tribunalBy Oyibo Salihu

The Nigeria Police Force has commenced investigation into the attack on the secretary to the Kogi State Off-cycle Governorship Election Petition Tribunal, David Umar Mike.

The secretary and two others; Labode Apreala ,confidential secretary and Hassimu Adamu, assistant secretary to the tribunal, were attacked in Lokoja by yet-to-be-identified gunmen about 4:20pm on Monday, December 4 while on their way to the venue of the tribunal’s sitting.

Police Public Relation Officer Kogi State Police Command, SP William Aya, in a statement in Lokoja, Wednesday, said the state Commissioner of Police has ordered a thorough investigation into the incident.

The tribunal secretary had in his formal report of the attack to the police, alleged that about seven hooded men, all heavily armed and dressed in black attire, shot severally into the air and dragged him and  two other colleagues out of their Peugeot 406  car.

He also alleged that the armed attackers ransacked the car and made away with all the documents, including petitions filed by four (4) political parties namely; Action Alliance (AA), Action People’s Party (APP), Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) and Social Democratic Party    
Aya, who frowned at series of distorted information on the incident, said a thorough investigation into the incident will set the records straight and advised the public to avoid statements that may prejudice ongoing investigation into the matter.

“The Command also appeals to anyone with useful information on the alleged incident to provide the same to the Command. The public will be updated as the investigation progresses,” Aya explained.