Plateau attacks: NEMA deploys rapid assessment team to Bokkos, Barkin-Ladi 


The Director General, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Mustapha Habib Ahmed, has deployed a team to Bokkos and Barkin Ladi local government areas of Plateau state, to conduct rapid assessment of the situation and provide immediate supports to families of victims that lost their lives, injured persons and people displaced by the incidents.

According to a statement made available to Blueprint in Abuja, Wednesday, NEMA’s action came following the unfortunate attacks on some communities.

The NEMA rapid response team comprised of Directors from the headquarters and staff from the North Central zone.

They visited some of the affected communities in the two local government areas as well as Jos University Teaching Hospital, where most of the injured persons were being treated.

The NEMA team carried out the assessment along with the state government officials led by the deputy governor and executive secretary of Plateau State Emergency Management Agency.

The NEMA DG was saddened over the unfortunate incident and commiserated with the government and people of Plateau state.

He said NEMA had provided food and humanitarian items that would be distributed to provide immediate succour to the affected persons and medicaments to support the treatment of injured persons.