Plateau Assembly: 16 members-elect urge speaker for inauguration

The 16 returned members-elect of the Plateau State House of Assembly, has urged the Speaker, Gabriel Dewan, to swear them in, having duly received their certificates of return as ordered by the Court of Appeal.

The lawmakers-elect stated this in a letter, dated: 26th December , 2023, made on their behalf, by their counsel, Sunday Obende, saying they wrote pursuant to Section 94 of the Nigerian Constitution as well as order 3 rule 3 of the standing order of the Plateau State House of Assembly, 2021.

The tribunal and Court of Appeal, had sacked 16 members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), who elected the sole member of the Young Progressives Party (YPP), as new speaker, who had also vowed not to swear-in the incoming new members, untill 23 January, 2024.

However, the 16 members: Nimchak Nansak, Dagogot Owen, Maiyaki Bala, Daniel Listick, Laven Jacob, Adamu Yanga, Kwarpo Sylvanus, Yusuf Chollom, Bendel Nanewat, Wallangko Ibrahim, Dachung Dadon, Dalvop Gyang, Eli Bako,   Sunday Mark, and Nanalong Daniel, said the speaker should reconvene plenary to swear them in prior than the proposed January.

“…the 16 members of the Plateau State House of Assembly, who pursuant to their respective Judgments of the Court of Appeal, were issued Certificates of Return by the Independent, National Electoral Commission (INEC) as the duly elected member’s…on the 23 day of December, 2023 as the duly elected Representatives of their respective constituencies…write to formally notify

to be inaugurated to enable them discharge their mandate in representing their various constituencies,” the document read in part.