Performance, accountability under Tinubu non-negotiable, Enoh tells sports ministry’s senior mgt staff


Nigeria’s Minister of Sports Development, Senator John Owan Enoh, has tasked senior staff of the Ministry to uphold the tenets of commitment and accountability in their day-to-day official engagements.

Senator Enoh who spoke while declaring open a two-day retreat for Senior Management Staff of the Ministry of Sports development on Tuesday in Abuja said under President Bola Tinubu, performance is highly required in a bid deliver on the promises and mandate of the present administration to Nigerians.

While recalling how similar retreat was organised for Ministers, Special Advisers and Permanent Secretaries in November 2023, Minister Enoh said the Sports Ministry’s symposium was in line with expectation of cascading the message of Renewed Hope Agenda with a new sense of service delivery.

He said, “Our President in his Renewed Hope Agenda has an eight-point focus and the Sports Ministry is aligning in four of them which include job creation and poverty alleviation, economic growth, and inclusive growth.

“But beyond these, the Ministry has about 15 key key deliverables. Out of these 15, we have up to 51 performance indicators. Among the top indicators, the Ministry’s programmes in the next four years will be very engaging and robust.

“So, it’s important that all hands must be on deck to actualise the set goals within specific timelines.”

Senator Enoh also stressed the need for close monitoring and evaluation of plans and strategies to ensure optimal performance, effectiveness and efficiency, adding, “We want to build the trust and confidence of the private sector, so that competitions and the initiatives of the ministry can enjoy the support and endorsement of the private sector.” 

Earlier, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Mrs Tinuke Watti, said, “Throughout this retreat, we shall aim to foster collaborative discussions, knowledge sharing, and innovative thinking. It is important that we capitalise on our collective expertise and experiences to develop actionable strategies that will help us achieve our goals and objectives and deliver on the outlined deliverable, in line with eight presidential priorities and the ministerial deliverable.

“To this end, we shall be looking at the vision, mission, mandate, and structure of the Ministry. Central to the retreat shall be sessions dedicated to strategic planning. In the next two days, we will focus on the Ministry of Sports strategic plan and other key policies and mandates that shape our Ministry’s work. These are crucial elements that guide our actions and contribute to sports overall development and management.

“By doing so, we can foster an environment of collaboration and creativity, enabling us to forge ahead and implement effective solutions to the challenges we face. I also expect that at the end of this retreat, you will leave this place fully equipped and ready to apply.”

The retreat meant for staff under grade level 14 to 17 drawn from parts of the country, has “Towards ensuring strategic performance delivery” as its theme.