PDO: We’re sensitising potential lawyers on free legal services

Administration Officer, Kano state Public Defenders Office (PDO), Barrister Rotkang Kyunni, has said the n o n – g o v e r n m e n t a l organisation has begun sensitising potential lawyers on the need to offer free legal services to the less-privileged after their graduation.
Speaking at a one day sensitisation forum held at Gwammaja Special Primary School, Kano yesterday, Kyunni said the organisation was working on exposing potential lawyers to the abiding obligation of helping the less-privileged to access justice without impediment.
According to her, with the stunning pace potential lawyers were graduating from various universities across the country, there was the compelling need for them to be exposed to the commitment of voluntary service despite the painstaking academic fatigue they have encountered in having the chance to be called to the bar to prove their professional knowledge.
She, however, stated that as professionals, they were expected to offer free legal services to their respective communities in order to add colour to the profession they so much loved, cherished and highly revered, pointing out that the choice of Bayero University’s law students was informed by the conviction of the Kano state Public Defenders Office from a respected and credible academic activity.
She said, “We are here to sensitize our potential lawyers on imbibing the culture of rendering voluntary service to the communities.
We want you people to understand that you are now at an ample liberty to engage the services of lawyers working in this office to defend any one of you, in cases where you people feel oppressed and need legal protection,” she added.