Oyo APC expresses satisfaction over conduct of re-run in Saki West

The All Progressives Congress (APC) in Oyo state on has expressed its satisfaction over the conduct of the Saturday re-run election in Saki West area of the state. 

APC in a statement by its Oyo state Publicity Secretary, Olawale Sadare, attributed the successful conduct of the isolated election to the uncommon impartiality, great sense of patriotism and high level of professionalism demonstrated by the officials of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) as well as officers and men of all the security agencies mobilized for the exercise.

According to the statement, “The Saturday election was unnecessary because our candidate won a pure mandate in March 2023 when the gubernatorial and House of Assembly polls were conducted but as democrats, we accepted the verdict of the court. 

“As we embarked on another round of electioneering, the good people of Saki kept assuring us that the mandate would be restored and they kept their promise even in the face of intimidation and harassment in the hands of some anti-democratic elements”, it said.

APC added, “The ruling PDP came out for the isolated election in their true colour as desperados and this did not surprise the people. At a time the effects of explosion with ravaged Bodija community in Ibadan and when cases of fire incident were being recorded in many parts of the state capital in addition to the harrowing experience of the residents of the state on account of inflation, the best which Governor Makinde can do was to move the entire government machinery to Saki for election in just two polling units.”

“But for the determination of the INEC personnel and the bravery of officers and men of the Nigeria Army, Police, DSS, EFCC, NSCDC, among others, the exercise would have been compromised by those who believe in vote buying and employment of thugs to win elections.

“PDP shared between N20,000 and N30,000 to individuals who were registered as voters in the affected polling units but security men did not allow them to coerce voters as they were casting their ballots.

“With the fresh mandate given to our party at the rerun poll against all odds, it is evident that Nigeria still keep faith with the Tinubu administration and we are assuring them that all the current challenges facing the country will be fixed soonest and the citizenry will be better for it.”