Ortom tasks Bonta, Ukpute on peace as hostilities resume

Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue state has enjoined the people of Bonta and Ukpute communities of the state to embrace forgiveness in order to bring lasting peace to the troubled areas.

The governor gave the order while handing over 8-year-old Eje Junior, a prisoner of war captured by Bonta people from Ochoro following an initiative of former governors led by Dr. Gabriel Suswam in Makurdi Tuesday.

The state governor, who promised the prisoner of war scholarship, described the abducted boy as a miracle child, calling on Bonta and Ukpute people to embrace peace and open their minds for discussion and settlement.

Blueprint learnt that, while the peace deal was ongoing in Makurdi, the Bonta militia were reported to have invaded Ukpute community, shooting sporadically for hours before Ukpute people gave them a chase.

Speaking with our correspondent, President Association of Lawyers from the Conflict Zone,  Barr. John Owulo said if there would be any meaningful peace deal, the state governor should draft security agents to the crisis area to maintain peace and order which is the first step before discussion on road opening and boundary demarcation.

In response to the order by the state government on Awajir road reopening, a member of Bonta community whose mother is from Obi local government area of the state said the road from Aliade to Bonta is open but confirmed that due to the continued unrest by the Bonta boys against Ukpute, the people of Ukpute would see the road reopening as an ambush rather than being part of a peace deal.