Orji Kalu desperate to defect, PDP alleges

Despite repeated public statements credited to former Abia state Governor, Orji Uzor Kalu that he will not defect from the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), chieftains of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Abia state are alleging that he is desperate to return to the party.
the party chieftains are however insisting that they would not have anything to do with the former governor until he clears himself of the alleged N7.2 billion fraud leveled against him by the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC).
Though the embattled former governor has denied any plan to leave All Progressive Congress (APC) the ruling PDP in the state alleged desperate move by chief kalu to return to PDP.
Concerned members of the PDP in the state said :” We heard on good authority that the presidency and APC have rejected the former governor following his re arraignment in court by EFCC over alleged N7.2 billion fraud”.
The group spoke through Prince Eric Kalu and Chuks Ndom and insisted that:”We will not be in a hurry to reunite with a rejected member of APC.
The presidency was said to be worried over the reported re arraignment of the former governor by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) over alleged N7.2 billion fraud and it’s possible negative impact on the electoral fortunes of the party in 2019.” A source alleged that last minute move to save the former governor failed last week as the presidency insisted it would not have anything to do with him pending the determination of the cumulative 39 count charge leveled against the former state Chief executive by the anti graft agency.
The party leaders who spoke through Hon.
Chuks Ndom and Prince Eric Kalu said that : “It would amount to gross disservice to our people to hurriedly readmit ex governor who alleged alleged to have looted over N7 billion from the state treasury.
Suddenly the ex governor has remembered us because the presidency has given him red card.”.
Source alleged that president Muhammadu Buhari and a few chieftains of the party may be sourcing for another candidate to fly the APC flag in the 2019 senatorial election for Abia north.
A party chieftain argued that the former governor may not clear himself of the N7.
2 billion fraud before the 2019 general election and fielding him as APC candidate for Abia north will be a big political disaster.
Though chief kalu has denied any plan to return to PDP,some party members alleged that the former governor may have approached the party hierarchy in the state in his renewed bid to rejoin PDP.