Ogun dares court, demolishes hotel, houses for chinese company

Residents of Ajegunle-Araromi community in Makun area of Sagamu local government in Ogun state have kicked against the sudden demolition of their properties without prior notice by the state government.

The state’s Bureau of Lands and Survey accompanied by policemen stormed the community early on Thursday, to carry out the demolition, citing ‘orders from above’.

The community alleged that the government demolished their houses after selling their land to a Chinese company for industrial purpose without paying them compensation.

The protesters were seen carrying placards with different inscriptions, such as: “Ajegunle, Araromi community must exist, please save our soul”, “Dapo Abiodun, save us, respect court injunction” and “We have no where to go”, among others.

Speaking on behalf of the protesters, legal adviser to the community, Oduwole Olusoga lamented that, the state government failed to obey a court injuction refraining it from demolishing their houses.

“We have a court injuction refraining the state government from doing this dastard act that they have taken today.

“There is a subsisting court injuction, we served them, we did everything and there was so many interventions, but despite all, the government went ahead to demolished our houses.

“The Chinese man the government sold our land to has been boasting around, he said he sponsored Dapo Abiodun’s second term election, that there is nothing we have, that he will pull this place down.

“Even with a court injuction, they took this step, we are still in court. My multimillion investments are being destroyed, look at what they have done to our properties.

“The Chinese man has his own factory, but he is interested in taking over everything, the governor should please safe our soul.

“They did not allow us access into our property, they are pulling everything down, our belongings are still inside.

“We want our land, we don’t want compensation even when they have demolished our structures, we want our land, let them give us back our land. 

“We have not been compensated. There was no notification, the government did not notify us before destroying our structures.

“We have written several letters to the governor’s office, to the Bureau of Lands and serving them the court induction refraining them from taking any action on the land”.

Meanwhile, the Iyaloja general of the local government, Chief Ola Oduwaye, said the state government should have exercise restraint, adding that the matter is still in court.

“They have no right to demolish our property but the matter is already in court, the court adjourned the case, the government supposed to wait until further notice from the court.

“The government ought to have compassion on us”, she said 

When Blueprint contacted the SA/DG of Bureau of Lands and Survey, Segun Fowora, he however denied comment, saying “the government will address the press at an appropriate time.”